Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Overall equipment effectiveness is used for measuring manufacturing productivity. The score is calculated using the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive. To calculate your machine's process overall equipment effectiveness score, the equation is A • P • Q. A = Availability, P = Performance, and Q = Quality.

Availability – The unplanned and planned stops in production

Performance – The slow cycles and small stops while a cycle is in process

Quality – The accountability for defects, including parts for rework, and useable good parts

SHOPGRID®'s Manufacturing Efficiency

SHOPGRID® measures an overall equipment effectiveness percentage and will use that percentage to guide an analysis of exactly where the manufacturing productivity seeks improvement. Whether a machine is wasting resources, sending consistent errors reports, or benchmarking progress is constant, SHOPGRID® will alert the operators on how to improve each production cycle. Thus, improving productivity, efficiency, and performance.

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We provide a wide range of software for manufacturing and automation processes in addition to manufacturing services for data mining, intelligence, execution systems, and process improvement.

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